Sunday, December 18, 2011

General Assembly and bullies

"In the earlier stages of organization, one topic dominated our social media communication. Turns out, one of our organizers was an advocate for ‘diversity of tactics’ often referring to Blac Bloc tactics of both offense and defense. What was disturbing was that once those who wished to maintain the spirit of peaceful movement started questioning the role of violence and BB tactics in the context of Occupy Vancouver, a group of advocates (supporters of [X]) immediately stepped up accusing and labeling those peaceful organizers sexist and racist. Discussion with these BB tactics supporters was just impossible, for they seem to lack the sense of open mindedness any reasonable discussion requires."

I know nothing of the Occupy Vancouver group, but this article brings up a good point.  The General Assembly has a weakness in that it rewards the most outgoing and belligerent while the shy or self-conscious generally do not openly speak up.  If the contentious speakers verbally abuse the shy, then that closes the door on any input from any of them present.  If this was allowed to go on at the Vancouver GA, it is sad.  The point of the GA is that all voices are allowed to be heard, and are respected.  Otherwise you really do have "leaders" whether they claim to be or not.

At the Occupy Denver GA I attended, a drunk guy kept trying to speak. He was almost drunk enough to the point of not being able to stand.  The facilitator seemed to know the guy and went over to talk to him.  Whatever he was told, it seemed to satisfy the drunk guy and he remained quiet, while staying in the circle.  I don't think drunk people necessarily need to have a voice, but it did get me thinking of who SHOULD be able to speak. And it's everybody, including those you don't agree with. The point is that all ideas are thrown into the circle, then the group comes up with a consensus of what are good ideas and which to reject or postpone.

If some speakers are ridiculed then you may as well dump using the GA because you've already ruined it's structure.

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